Sunday, November 30, 2014

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Piriformis syndrome ,sciatica , anatomy - Everything You Need To Know -...

Piriformis Syndrome's symtom is similar with Lumbar Disc Herniation (HNP).

The nerve compression is occured on the gluteal region.

Acupuncture treatment for Piriformis syndrome is similar with acupuncture treatment for Lumbar disc herniation too.

The treatment point is Piriformis muscle, and gluteatl muscles.

And, the patients who were diagnosed piriformis syndrome would better have home exercise and stretching.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Does This Patient With Shoulder Pain Have Rotator Cuff Disease?

Let's study about Rotator cuff syndrome.
Shoulder physical examinations

Among the tests for rotator cuff disease.
A positive painful arc test result and a positive external rotation resistance test result were the most accurate findings for detecting Rotator Cuff Disease.

The presence of a positive lag test( external or internal rotation) result was most accurate for diagnosis of a full-thickness rotator cuff tear.


Does this patient with shoulder pain have rotator cuff disease?: The Rational Clinical Examination systematic review.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Ulnar nerve compression

Let's study ulnar nerve.

At first, Ulnar nerve clinical examinations.

Second, Ulnar nerve tension test.

Third How to solve the nerve compression?

Physio-therapy, Acupuncture, Chiropractic Treatment can treat the compression.
and You can solve by yourself.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS) physical examinations.

1.Roos Test.

If you cannot hold this position over 3 minutes, or when if you feel electric pain or numbness, it implies thoracic outlet syndrome.

2.Costo-clavicular Maneuver

3. Adson's test

4.Allen Maneuver.

When if there is no pulse, it implies Thoracic outlet syndrome.

Thank you for reading. Have a good day.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Easy and Simple Exercise for Headache and Neck Pain

In my clinic, I have seen many patients who have a headache or neck pain.

Some patients have family history of migraine, some have a history of traumatic injury such as traffic accident.

Most of patients have bad sitting posture that cause head-forwarded posture.
Head-forwarded posture makes our back muscles tight, neck deep flexor muscles weak, chest muscles shortened, mid-back muscles weakened.

So, these problems makes rounded-shoulder.

Here is a good exercise for head-forwarded people.

from Self-treatments for head and neck pain (Craig Liebenson, D.C.)

Thank you for reading and enjoy your exercise!!