Monday, October 8, 2012

Scientific Stratergy for Weight Loss

Obesity - One of the biggest health issues facing the Middle East today! What are YOU going to do about it?
Tired of fad diets that crush your hopes and dreams? We know all about it as we’ve tried and tested several diets ourselves with no real results. Here’s a genuine program for those who are serious about getting into shape and staying in vibrant good health, day after day.
Our Weight Loss Program is based on many recent scientific studies that helps and aids weight loss and weight loss maintenance. NO pills and NO diets per se. This technique uses a modern Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatments and elementary simple exercises. I am going to describe it in more detail for you below.
Our program is focused not only on weight loss but also habits for a long-lasting healthy life!
KAHC’s weight loss program is formed in 2 simple steps.
Uses Electro-Acupuncture and Ultrasound therapy. This treatment is around 1 hour on average and helps reduce the size of the fat cells. The fat-cells are stimulated to release fatty acids and glycerol which are primary stores of fat in the body. We must get rid of this using step 2.
30-40 minutes of any aerobic exercises and 5-10 minutes of any anaerobic exercises.
After exercising, it is recommended to take complete rest for 20 minutes as this keeps your heart rate and blood temperature elevated which helps burn the released fatty acids effectively.
Step 2 exercises are crucial as it consumes the free fatty acids from the combined treatments in step 1 and increases the basal metabolic rate that helps avoid a yoyo weight loss effect.
Our program is not diet based, however If you watch out your diet carefully, it endorses the weight loss effects of this program and you will see faster results in a shorter time span.

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